Building Staff EDI Competence


Trainers who engage with topics related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) face the challenge of creating meaningful behavior change, rather than simply imparting knowledge. The current environment of training during COVID has created unique challenges that prevent in-person discussions. The OLA Staff Training Round Table is offering a workshop to share training resources that you can apply to EDI efforts within your workgroups. This interactive session will allow participants to learn about resources for use in virtual spaces, and consider how those resources might work in their own libraries. Sponsored by OLA STRT (Staff Training Round Table).


  • Adrienne Doman Calkins, Sherwood Public Library, Library Manager
  • Amy Honisett, Multnomah County Library, Learning And Development Specialist
  • Blake Kincaid, Fort Vancouver Regional Library
  • Roberta Richards, Portland Community College

Video Recording:
