How to Start Your Very Own EDI Book Club

Speakers: Max H. Robinson, State Library of Oregon; Hannah Tauriainen, Washington State Library

What is a low-threshold way to get library staff involved in the challenging work of EDI? Start a book club! In this session, State Library of Oregon and Washington State Library staff members will share how they started their very own interstate book club centered on EDI themes, authors, and points of view, using the State of Oregon’s EDI Action Plan as a guiding principle. Join Max and Hannah to learn about the value of bringing colleagues together to read, discuss, and develop their own empathetic library lens in a safe and compassionate space. Takeaways include increased comfort with EDI topics and improved service to patrons of all backgrounds and identities.

Material Provided
How to Start – EDI Book Club – OLA 2024 – Virtual Presentation Slides
How to Start – EDI Book Club – OLA 2024 – Getting Started Kit

Video recording link: