Do-It-Yourself OCLC Reclamation: a low-cost, time-saving approach to keeping your library’s WorldCat holdings synchronized


Like death and taxes, it is certain that if your library maintains holdings in OCLC WorldCat, they will eventually get out-of-sync. Cataloging librarian Mariko Kershaw will describe how she and her colleague at Washington County Cooperative Library Services embarked on the journey of do-it-yourself (DIY) OCLC reclamation. Not only the first reclamation for their institution, but also figuring it out during a global pandemic! This session will deep dive into the technical nitty gritty with an extensive demonstration of the reclamation process, as well as share lessons learned with ample time for questions. Sponsored by OLA TSRT (Technical Services Round Table).

  • Mariko Kershaw, Washington County Cooperative Library Services, Cataloging Librarian

Video Recording: