Oregon Open Learning OER Workshop


Join the Oregon Open Learning team for an Open Educational Resources (OER) Workshop: Oregon Open Learning launched in May 2020. Join us to learn more about the first year of the Hub’s growth. We are excited to share with you about how open educational resources can support your library’s K-12 educational goals. As a #GoOpen state, Oregon’s investment in open educational resources signals our commitment to equity, empowerment, and efficacy. Participants will engage with the why and what of open education, learn to recognize open licensing, and get started curating resources on the Hub.

  • Susan Payne, Oregon Department of Education, Educational Standards & Systems Specialist
  • Vanessa Clark, Digital Innovations, Program Analyst
  • Aujalee Moore, Oregon Department of Education, Instructional Materials Coordinator
  • Tina Roberts

Video Recording:  https://youtu.be/_ycD7KCTp3g