When We Know Better, We Do Better: A Conversation On How Hearing People Can Be More Inclusive and Culturally Competent with the Deaf Community


Where are we now? What can we do to do better? This will be a discussion on how we can work to provide more inclusive, culturally competent library services. Join our panelists Robert Rich, Principal of Oregon School for the Deaf, Lora Heller, who holds a master’s degree in deaf education, and Susan Flores, an ASL teacher who is Deaf, for a panel discussion to help your library complete a self-assessment of your services. Identify changes you can make to become more inclusive and culturally competent in serving the Deaf community, and where to access culturally accurate resources for yourself and for your patrons. Moderated by Dawn Prochovnic, author and early literacy consultant.

Panel Facilitator:  Dawn Prochovnic, SmallTalk Learning, MA, Children’s Author and Early Literacy Consultant


  • Robert Rich, Oregon School for the Deaf, Director of Instruction
  • Lora Heller, Baby Fingers, LLC, Founding Director
  • Susan Flores, ASL Story , Deaf Mentor, private tutoring

Video Recording:  Unfortunately it was found that Zoom sets recording in the speaker view and thus our deaf panelists does not appear on screen with their interpreters in the recording.  We will be providing a copy of the transcript for future use.

Written Transcript:    9-33 When We Know Better We Do Better Transcript

when we know better we do better resource_listing_for_libraries_seeking_to_become_more_inclusive_and_culturally_competent_with_the_deaf_community