Andy Mangels is the USA Today best-selling author and co-author of twenty-six fiction and nonfiction books — including Star Trek, Roswell, Iron Man, X-Files, Star Wars, and Young Adult tomes — and is an award-winning comic book anthology editor. As a pop culture historian, he has also contributed to international magazines and newspapers, and has scripted, directed, and produced over forty DVD documentaries and Special Features projects. In 2012, he was awarded the prestigious Inkpot Award for Achievement in the Comic Arts at Comic-Con International. He has written licensed material based on properties by Lucasfilm, Paramount, New Line Cinema, Universal Studios, Warner Bros., Microsoft, Abrams-Gentile, and Platinum Studios. He was not only the first openly gay mainstream professional in the comic book world, but he was the editor of the award-winning Gay Comics anthology for eight years, and has hosted the Gays In Comics/Out In Comics panel at Comic-Con International since 1988. He is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers. As a youth, he was more excited to go to the library than Disneyland.
Recording of live streamed session. Click here to view.
Speaker: Any Mangels
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