OLA Conference 2024

Oregon Library Association Conference 2024
April 24 – 27, 2024

Salem Oregon

Building Diverse & Engaging School Libraries
Indigenous Books & Curriculum Resources to Support Students & Educators (K-8 & Beyond)
Libraries Leading with Equity
Library Policies: Best Practices for Strong Library Policies
Teen Mental Health: After the Pandemic – What’s Next

Opening Session Remarks & Presentation: “Fostering Supportive Workplaces in Overwhelming Times” with Bryce Kozla (Recorded)
Awards Lunch (Recorded)
Wrap Up Breakfast & Keynote: “The Power of Encouragement” with Jonathan Hill (Recorded)

Conference Sessions
13 Ways to Kill Your Library
A Seat at the Table: AI & Communities
Alternative Subject Heading Vocabularies – Progress, Not Perfections
Amazing Friends & Foundations
Amplify Ready to Read: Making the Most of Your Ready to Read Grant
Beyond Pizza Parties – cancelled
BIPOC Affinity Group
Block Booking: Coordinating Inter-Agency Partnerships to Maximize Cultural Programming
Bobbing for Readers: Bringing OBOB to Everyone
Breaking Down Barriers to Library Services
Bringing the Community to Your Community Read
Building a Conference: Feedback & Brainstorming for the Future
Circulating Steam Kits? Yes You Can!
Creating a Public Library
Cultivating Garden Home: Slow Librarianship at Work
Diary of a Memory Cafe (Recorded)
Early Career Huddle
Evolving Language of Book Bans (Recorded)
Find, Get & Manage Grants for Your Library
Find Your Party: Creating Volunteer-Led TTRPG Programs in Public Libraries (Recorded)
From the Ground Up: Building A Zine Collection
Hate Groups in the Library
How to Start Your Very Own EDI Book Club (Recorded)
I’m Not Dead Yet! Extending the lives of Your Books to Reach More Community Members (Recorded)
Inclusion in Storytime (Recorded)
Intellectual Freedom Fighters: Refighting a War Already One
LGBTQIA2S+ Affinity Group
Library Boards 101: Governing Boards, Advisory Boards, and Attorneys
Make Syllabi Work for You! Methods & Tools for Liaison Librarians
Mid-Career Librarians: Inspired and Engaged Over Their Careers
Motivation & Engagement for Mid to Late Career Library Staff
Neurodiversity & Disability Affinity Group
Not-so-Passive Programming: Creative & Budget-Friendly Ideas for All Ages
OLA FeedBack/Brainstorm
Oregon Humanities & Libraries: Partners in Communtiy Engagement
Policy Talk: Patron Codes of Conduct
Project Management in the Library: How Creating an Operational Plan Can Help Any Complete Project Succeed
Read, Renew, Repeat With Us: Summer Reading Partnerships for the Win
Read Romance / Fight the Patriarchy
Reader’s Advisory Spotlight: Graphic Novels
Reader’s Advisory Spotlight: Horror
Reader’s Advisory Spotlight: Manga (Recorded)
Reader’s Advisory Spotlight: Romance
Roadmap for Renovation
School Libraries in Crisis: Working together to Reverse the Trend
Springfield’s Museum & Library Partnership: Five Year & Counting
Stark Raving OYAN: Book Talking the Rave Lists (Pt 1 & Pt 2)
Studying the Teen Theater Troupe as a Roadmap for creative and Inclusive Teen Programming
Support Staff Engagement
Teens at Work: From Volunteers to Interns
Teens’ Right to Read: Class Visits with Banned Books (recorded)
Transformational Security: Making Libraries Safer Through Compassionate De-Escalation
Turning Technology Education Inside Out
Unpacking Live
Weather Together: Taking Care of Yourself During Materials Challenges
Well-rounded Bookmobile: Programming with Partners

Poster Sessions
Libros for Oregon
Preserving the Local Web with Community Webs
Programming with Parks & Recreation
Roots Up Community Engagement with Seed Libraries and Library Gardens
Supporting Adult Literacy Development: the Linn Benton Community Literacy Partnerships
We’re All in This Together: Worldwide Collaboration and Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms