OLA Conference 2009

Storytime Puppetry for 1’s and 2’s handout

Handout for “Storytime Puppetry for 1’s and 2’s,” presented at the OLA Conference in Salem, OR

New Student Library Orientation: Comparing Programs Within Oregon, Washington & Beyond

Maximizing the Value of Your OCLC Cataloging Subscription

Handout and slides from presentation at Oregon Library Association 2009 conference: Maximizing the Value of Your OCLC Cataloging Subscription

Documenting Direct Democracy: Oregon’s Ballot Measure Archive Project

Joshua Binus, historian from Portland State University and director of the Ballot Measure Archive Project, will describe the ongoing effort to document and preserve records from one of Oregon’s most notable political institutions, the initiative and referendum system. The project is collecting and digitizing source material from statewide initiative campaigns in a central archive that will be open to the public. Come and learn about the goals, strategies, methods, challenges, and outcomes of this public history project. Explore ways to link into the effort and/or engage your community in an effort to document its own history of direct democracy.

Sing, Sign & Story Time

The future of the catalog

A  slide show on current trends and the approaching future of library catalogs.

Knowing your Audience : User centered data dictionary building

Data dictionaries help specify rules and standards to use when cataloging digital objects. The creation of an effective data dictionary may define how accessible objects in your collection will be. In addition to the inclusion of common data elements, the successful development of controlled vocabularies and descriptive metadata are often the result of collaboration between subject specialists or experts and metadaticians. The UO Libraries has built avariety of digital collections including photographs, art images, ,historic manuscripts, sheet music, ephemera, serials, and mixed collections. We will discuss how to decide on the best approach to create a data dictionary that fits the needs of you and your users.

Storyboard Template

Word document that is a template for Storyboarding (planning) your presentation.

Author: Jessica Chandler, Elizabeth Iaukea, Darlene Pearsall


2-page Word document with books and websites to assist in creating powerful presentations.

Author: Jessica Chandler, Elizabeth Iaukea, Darlene Pearsall

How To Handout

Instructions on how to building the PowerPoint Slides presented.

Author: Jessica Chandler, Elizabeth Iaukea, Darlene Pearsall

Federal Economic Statistics and Legislative Information: Make Searching Easier!

This presentation highlights new developments and provides tips and tricks for using Lexis-Nexis Congressional and Statistical products to find current and historical business, economic and legislative data.

Open Government: Ensuring Access to Federal and Local Government Information

Sensory Processing

Basic Book Repair for Libraries

“Three Basic Book Repair Procedures” : step-by-step instructions for hinge tightening and tipping in loose pages, with illustrative photographs.

Facing the Blank Canvas: Creativity and Artistic Development in Children, Tweens & Teens

Author: Diana Anderson, Children’s Librarian McMinnville Public Library

Thrilling Tales: Adult Storytime at Your Library

Author: David Wright

Sing, Sign and Story Time

Handouts for Sing, Sign and Story Time workshop at OLA 2009 Conference

DSpace for Digital Repositories: One Platform, Two Stories

Evidence-Based Research in the Applied Social Sciences (Psychology, Social Work, Criminal Justice, and Education)

Graphic Novels for Children

These are resources from the Graphic Novels For Children presentation at the 2009 OLA conference.  All items have been converted to PDF files.  Many people in the session asked about Juvenile Graphic Novel Core Lists.  In response to this, I have compiled a core list and it is the last item posted below.

Got Teens? Preconference -Teens, Technology & Gaming Powerpoint

Library2Go: It Works

Learn more about Oregon Digital Library Consortium and Library2Go downloadable audio and video.

Showcase Public Library Services for Older Adults

Telling your library’s story: creating effective and persuasive public presentations

RDA Update

PDF of a presentation given at the 2009 OLA conference, RDA Update: Resource Description and Access.  RDA is the new cataloging standard that is intended to simplify, clarify, and update AACR2.  Development of the content is in its final stages and planning for implementation is gearing up.

Using LibraryThing to Add Folksonomies and Recommendations to Your Online Catalog

Panic in the Blogosphere: Libraries, Social software and the First Amendment

What are the legal and policy implications of using social software in libraries?  Here’s some practical guidance.  We’ve posted our powerpoint here on NW Central and will be adding links to MCL policies in the next day or so.

Cataloging Manga: An Approach

PowerPoint slides discussing some of the unique challenges manga presents to catalogers.

Multnomah County Library’s Target Language Initiative

Current summary of Multnomah County Library’s target language initiative as presented at the Oregon Library Association’s 2009 Annual Conference Showcase.

Multnomah County Library School Corps

Public Records Presentation

New Developments in Genre/Form Access

3 PDF files derived from PowerPoint presentations given at the OLA 2009 Conference.  Speakers are Lori Robare (Introduction and Context), Adam Schiff (Genre Headings and Authorities in the University of Washington Libraries Catalog), and Rebecca Belford (Form/Genre Access to Musical Works).

Many Library of Congress Subject Headings represent what materials are rather than what they are about, especially in the areas of literature, film, and music. Authority records for form/genre terms and use of the MARC 21 655 field provide new opportunities for access to form/genre headings in the library catalog. This program will introduce general form/genre issues, provide information on the Library of Congress form/genre project, and explore implications for libraries especially in the areas of film and music.

 Teen Volunteer Programs That Work

Flier promoting the Teen Community Service Crew, one of the teen volunteer programs at Multnomah County Library.

Telling the Databases Story: Increase Awareness & Usage of Your Online Subscription Databases

2 PDF files derived from the PowerPoint presentations used for an OLA 2009 Conference Program. Presentation title: Telling the Databases Story: Increase Awareness & Usage of Your Online Subscription Databases. These are two of three files related to this presentation. The other is a flyer from the Whitman County Library loaded under the title: OLA 2009 — Whitman County Library : Marketing Databases. Presenters were Will Stuivenga, Statewide Database Licensing Project Manager, Washington State Library, Olympia, Washington and Peggy Bryan, Business Manager, Whitman County Rural Library District, Colfax Washington.

E-Government Services at the Library – Panel

E-government Services at the Library: It’s Here – what do we do now? @ OLA 2009 Conference. Slides attached (PDF).

Program Description: As government agencies continue to move essential services to the web, public libraries are at the center of providing public access computing for citizens who need to use these services. How is your library responding to your patrons’ needs? A panel will offer some practical advice and ideas for meeting this increasing need in our communities, and briefly discuss some national efforts to gain more resources for libraries providing E-government services.

 Preconference: Basic Book Repair for Libraries

Handout with instructions for “hollow tube” case reattachment for hard-cover books.  In .pdf format.