OLA/WLA Conference 2008

Traditional & Untraditional Partners in the New Millennium: Report on MCL’s 2008 Library Head Start Day

This report was distributed at the conference and describes the activities at Multnomah County Library’s 2008 Library Head Start Day, an example of a thriving partnership.

¡Salud Se Puede!

Good Health Is Possible! Reaching Out to the Latino/Hispanic Community with Health Information This presentation reviewed best practices for reaching the Latino/Hispanic community with health information. A list of reputable Spanish-language health information resources was provided. Participants learned how to evaluated web-based Spanish-language health information sources.

Web 2.0 and Privacy

Web 2.0 services–highly desired by our patrons–pose new challenges to protecting privacy. This presentation suggests some best practices for handling privacy issues in the Web 2.0 world. Emily Asch and Isaac Gilman of Pacific University presented the academic library portion of this OLA/WLA program. Candace Morgan was moderator.

Early Literacy, YES! But, I Don’t Have Enough Staff, Time, or Money to Do It

Learn where to find free and inexpensive early literacy resources, and what early literacy projects libraries in Oregon and Washington are doing. Get templates for writing donation request letters and letters of inquiry.

BOOK GROUP CPR: Breathe New Life into Your Discussion Group presentation

Handouts from the Book Group CPR: Breathe new life into your discussion group, held at the Oregon/Washington Library Conference on Friday, April 18, 2008.

He Reads, She Reads Conference Presentation Handout

Handout from the He Reads She Reads presentation Friday, April 18, 2008, at the Oregon/Washington Library Conference.

Plugging in the Numbers: Using Data to Make Some Noise about Library Services

Teens and Zines

These handouts are from a Teen and Zines poster session given during the Outreach Program Showcase at the WLA/OLA joint conference in Vancouver. The mini-zine was created by the Port Orchard Branch library’s teen writing and artist group as a means to share tips with other teen writing groups. Feel free to print and staple as you like! The Zine Resources handout lists some of the websites, resources, and materials that we’ve used to find inpiration in our writing and zine making efforts as well as to create an in-house zine collection.

We’re always looking to swap our zine with other writing groups, teens, and libraries. Please contact me if you’d like to do so.

How to Make your Rural Library a Success: Just say YES

Summer Reading Extravaganza School Visit Ideas

Horner Exchange to Fujian, China 2007

Presentation from 2008 OLA/WLA Conference. Session sponsored by OLA/IRRT. Covers 3 week professional exchange to Fujian Province by 3 Oregon librarians.

How to Sell Your Ideas

Do you have a great idea to make your workplace more efficient, to save money, or to increase usage but can’t figure out how to convince managers/administrators/board/lawmakers? The ability to communicate effectively and work well with others on the job can make or break your career. How to Sell Your Ideas is an intensive workshop that provides you with proven techniques to gain the essential communication and people skills you need to get your ideas across to others.

Hire Right the First Time

When you interview a potential employee, you should be looking at each person’s skills as well as how he/she will fit into your organization. This performance-based workshop focuses on getting the most out of interviews to avoid the stress and expense of bad hiring experiences. You will explore how to use the Best Personality Profile in hiring; the things to look for in applications and resumes; what you can and cannot ask in an interview; advantages of scenario-based interviewing; and how to match job descriptions to applications and resumes. Learn to maximize the effectiveness of your recruitments by hiring the right person for your library.

Evidence Based Research for Social Workers

Commercial Serials Decision Support Databases

Video games in academic libraries

Video games in an academic library. Every aspect of how to create a video game collection in your library, from collection development and selection to cataloging to check out of the games and systems.

Joint Conference presentation: Gaming in Libraries

This presentation focused on the hows and whys of offering video game programming in a library. Specifically, learn the benefits of offering gaming, discover tips on how to make your gaming events successful, what to offer when your teens need something new, and how to research and collect games and supporting materials.

There are three attached documents, and one weblink in the URL field.

Where is Everybody and What are They Doing?

Where is Everybody and What are They Doing? is a Power Point presentation about how to assess the space use in your library. There are some ideas on how to evaluate data collected in space studies and some photographs of well designed libraries in King County Washington.

There is also a bibliography for further reading and a worksheet that can be used as a guide to space evaluation.

Providing Information Literacy Instruction to Graduate Students

Graduate students’ information literacy needs have received little attention to date. Learn more about who graduate students are and what their information literacy and learning needs are. Also, find out about the highly successful Literature Review Workshop at Oregon State University that seeks to meet these students needs.

The New PowerPoint: How to Hit Your Target Without Bullets

We’ve all experienced it – Death by PowerPoint. And admit it, most us have even caused it – not by choice but because we don’t know better ways to get our message across. It’s time for this to change! You’ll learn how to plan, write and prepare to give presentations that are fun, engaging and effective. You’ll also see demonstrations and receive detailed instructions for hands-on how-to’s to get you started when you get back to your library. Are you ready to take your presentations to the next level?

Reading B’Tween the Lines

Bibliography of Tween Literature presented at the 2008 OLA/WLA (Oregon/Washington Library Associations) Conference in Vancouver, WA.

Reaching you local history patrons through the web

Reaching Your Local History Patrons through the Web Sponsor: WLA RIG Ingrid Mifflin, Alex Merrill, Doug Yancey, Marilyn Von Seggern Libraries are digitizing their unique local history collections and making them available to their users through the library’s web site. Successful project execution involves careful planning, adequate funding, and design of a project web site. These elements will be discussed by 4 project managers of local history digitizing projects at Salem Public Library (the Oregon Historic Photographs Collection) and Washington State University Libraries (the Northwest History Database and the Palouse Digital Project).

Oregon & Washington Authors: 2-Minute Reviews

Sponsored by the Oregon Authors Committee of OLA. Updates and reviews of Oregon and Washington books.

Effective Communications: Tips for Handling Difficult Conversations to Resolution

Successful Bond and Levy Campaigns

Enhanced Storytimes handouts

Handouts from “Enhanced Storytimes” program presented at the WLA/OLA Conference in Vancouver, WA, April 17, 2008.

Open Secrets Regarding Virtual Reference in Washington and Oregon

These are slides and handouts presented at the 2008 Joint Oregon Library Association / Washington Library Association conference session, “Open Secrets Regarding Virtual Reference in Washington and Oregon”.

The season featured a panel, with Alice Goudeaux (Timberland Regional Library), Kate Gronemyer (Oregon State University), Nancy Huling (University of Washington), Kristie Kirkpatrick (Whitman County Rural Library District), Barbara O’Neill (Washington County Cooperative Library Services) and Caleb Tucker-Raymond (Multnomah County Library).

I See the Ideas: Visual Strategies for Teaching Research Concepts

This poster — a custom-sized PowerPoint slide — provides an overview of a theory of visual acquisition of concepts — the idea that a certain percentage of the population, perhaps the majority, retain information better if they have an image to accompany the new concept. Turning a concept into an image taps into Piagetian theory in bringing the student to a pre-operational level in which he/she is best able to receive new information. The instructor can then lead students into higher Piagetian levels, concrete-operational and formal.

This theory was developed by University of Portland education professor Ellyn Arwood and used successfully in nursing classes by Joanna Kaakinen. The University of Portland librarians have transformed a core class, a biblical studies class required of all students, with apparently successful results. We have incorporated visual methods into other sessions.

Practical Assessment

Our presentation web page contains presenter information and the handouts from our 2008 OLA ALA Joint Conference presentation: Practical Assessment.

We have posted our slides (in an S5 presentation), handouts describing assessment methodologies, and a list of further readings and information sources on library assessment methods.

Thanks to those who attended and contributed to a lively and productive conversation on how we can make our assessment efforts more practical.

The Southern Oregon History Collection at Southern Oregon University: an LSTA-funded digital resource

Historical resources about Southern Oregon communities are held across great distances by libraries, historical societies, museums and other cultural heritage organizations in a multi-county region. A digitized sampling of about 800 items from 11 partner organizations accessible on the Internet is included in the LSTA-funded Southern Oregon History Collection at Southern Oregon University. This PowerPoint presentation from the 2008 OLA/WLA LSTA project showcase about the Southern Oregon History Collection, features examples of images, many associated with texts, from this collection, along with details about content and a list of partners in Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine Counties. Included are primary source materials, among them over 250 0ral histories, colorful “booster” brochures to encourage settlement, and early histories or Oregon and the region, realia, statistical sources, maps and event programs from cultural events. Timelines for LSTA grants over the two years may be helpful for planning for the LSTA grant cycle.

Floating Collections

Illustrates how Multnomah County is set up to maximize sharing collections between branches.

Is a Content Management System in your Future?

There are numerous advantages in using a Content Management Systems (CMS) for website development. Content creators can now focus on pure content without having to learn PHP, CSS, or XHTML; once a CMS is configured and “skinned”, maintaining and update a website becomes a breeze. This presentation will discuss these advantages by contrasting/comparing three open source CMS’s-Drupal, Joomla, and Plone by looking at the following: -ease of installation and customization; technology platform, ease of use (by content creators), core features and available add-ons, integration with web 2.0 tools/services, community involvement/characteristics, decision points to consider.

New Modes of Campus Integration

This program presents new programs/services in place at the University of Oregon, Oregon State, University of Washington and Willamette University that are non-traditional. These are all new ways that librarians are now working with different departments on campus to introduce library services and resources. Sponsor: ACRL OR

 Privacy and Patron Services

This is the academic library portion of our joint program with Candace Morgan and Cindy Gibbon. It examines the factors that impact efforts to protect patron privacy in an academic library, and the challenges that the provision of new online services present to protecting privacy.

Teen Program Showcase: Gaming On!

Catherine Schaeffer, King Co. Library System, offered the attached guide for planning gaming programs in your library.

Teen Showcase Program: Stick it together (with duct tape)!

Based on the work of Nanci Booher, Kim Carroll provided instructions for creating Duct Tape Messenger Bags and a list of suggested resources.

Teen Program Showcase: Animanga Club

Many teens enjoy Japanese Anime and Manga. Here are some resources for creating an Animanga Club at your public library.

Serial Decision Databases

The first part of a two person talk given at OLA/WLA on April 17. 2008 in Vancouver Washington. Robin Paynter from Portland State University gave the second part of the talk. My section was on the development of a locally designed serials decision database. A spreadsheet example was provided. Examples of how the data can be used to monitor and develop the collection were given. The presentation and handout are loaded on the WSU Institutional Repository called Research Exchange.

Metamorphosis @ Your Library : Summer Reading 2008

Attached is the outline of the Power Point presentation for YA services that I did at OLA/WLA’s Collaborative Summer Reading Extravaganza on behalf of OYAN (Oregon Young Adult Network). Feel free to contact me if you have any furhter questions or need clarification about something.

Sweet Sushi

As part of the Outreach Showcase at OLA/WLA 2008, I brought a hand-on demo of the Sweet Sushi program that I do with my monthly Anime Club about twice a year (summer and winter). Below is the information from the attached flyer. Add your own variations & enjoy!

Powdered sugar donuts (halved)
Rice Krispie

“Increasing the Joy Laughter and Fun in the Workplace” with Stuart Robertshaw, aka Dr. Humor

Notes and the handout from the session presented by Dr. Stuart Robertshaw, aka “Dr. Humor”
at the OLA/WLA Conference, April 18, 2008, Vancouver, Washington

OCLC Applications of FRBR

OCLC Applications of FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records). Presentation given at Oregon Library Association / Washington Library Association conference, April 17, 2008.

Leave the Stereotypes Behind

Leave the Stereotypes Behind Managers and frontline staff learn new service techniques to transform the library into a more vibrant – and sustainable – destination. Library futurist Joan Frye Williams demonstrates that we can’t rely on “business as usual” when our customers are presented with increasingly attractive alternatives to meet their informational and recreational needs: up-to-the minute information on the internet; bookstores with plenty of parking, lattes, shiny books, movies on demand and more. Progressive libraries have shown that top quality service has as much to do with hospitality, merchandising, and point-of-need transactions as with offering the right content. And frontline staff are the key to our customers’ service experience. So while we shouldn’t sell out, we might want to “sell up.”

Dynamic Metadata & Data Management for Digital Collections

Presentation at OLA/WLA Conference, April 2008
Presentation title: Dynamic Metadata & Data Management for Digital Collections

“Catch the Reading Bug” craft ideas

Junk Food, Pirates and UFOs: Non-fiction Books They Will Want to Read

What makes an informational book a great, lively read? And what are the most interesting and exciting ways to get children and teens to read them?

Multnomah County Library School Corps librarians, including Kate Houston Mitchoff, 2007 Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award Chair, speak about identifying quality non-fiction and promoting it in your library programs. They also will share successful programs and great booktalks that you can take home and use in your own library.

Another great resource for regularly updated discussion items on nonfiction, check out SLJ’s new blog by Marc Aronson at http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1880000388.html

Public Sleuthing: Searching for Individuals Using Public Records

This handout describes the resources you might use to search for information from public records on individuals. You can search these resources for professional licensing, criminal records, vital statistics, real and personal property records, addresses, information posted to the Internet and more.